Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Welcome 2 the real Software Life Circle

Well, i am sure that anyone as a software engineer or with IT related knowledge will understand this illustration very well.
Let's see how's this cycle goes...for me i think it describe quite true...wahaha...
1. Customer - As usual, this is how i want, a few level of wooden chair.
2. Project Leader - Perceived the wrong idea of customer, wrong side & the swing cant even used.
3. Analyst - analysis until sky up, do u think this design is possible? wahaha
4. Programmer - not so cham until cannot work gua...at least got the result with not reliable..wahaa
5. Business Consultant - Ta DA~! superb sofa chair with leather coated. Somemore can shinning...lap lap leng~
6. Documentation - Without a track of design or any mention of requirement fulfill.
7. operation installed incompleted?? got bug lah..how to install?!
8. Charged customer at a very nice price.
9. Technical Support missing?
10. Actually what is needed is simple~
After Thought~ wahahahahahaaaahwakaakakaaaa

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