Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Company's Situation & Future forecast

2 days before i went for Taipei dear colleague azura proposed resign letter...
On the day i off to Taipei 01June....3 colleages in Subang hand in resign letter either....

story story n story....

4 of them are going to left......

After 1 month...1 new guy in my office.......and 2 more newbies in Subang...Hope they can cope with the stress =D

~My part~

Got my raise on June ...agak 10+% .... n boss asked me to stay another 1-2 years after contract full.....with an attractive offer of 500 bucks raise :-s .........make me drop into the scene of dilema until now..... Of coz this is a very good money with not so heavy workload...but cant learn much thing if still in this field....

But if i going to marry after few years and donwan consider work anymore..then this is a good chances where i can make alot saving for coming future~ abit afraid back to penang the wages in not as good as now...>_<" ....

But after thinking for these few months and things happened in company..i guess i will go straight back to north after this.... I still rather to get myself busy with new technology and learn things Than everyday work with no motivation and surfing in forum during working hours >_<"

Next Target : get myself a new professional imej (no more jeans n broken tshirt to office) , every month got RM800 saving, get myself well with new tech~

~pray pray~

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