Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Bad Luck Week - Continue

Still remember my story about how the god trying to stop me from visiting Disney On ice?!

well.....haiz.... too bad it's not the end.....yet...........which making my mood so down :(

-Original Team going-
me vic n sis

One day
me: eh vic , tat day how? u come cyber or i go fetch? or sat come overnite?
vic: wat time the show ar?
me: 230pm coz nit sis kenot..mon got exam..
vic: :o i said i wan nite de.........morning cemetery event n church.......(O&(@#&$)!@!^#@%$
me: shit liao.....i dint recall that............how how how??!~

- after long discusion n kena scold n heart hurting session :Þ -

- Lastest Team going -
me kh sis

ahaha..........sory lah vic...too rushing to buy i gues.....:-s next year we go US watch terus lah.....

no mood liao then............

any way thanz dear take his time out coz i noe his realy no time at all for his FYP n studies thing :-s n not to forget my dear sister monday got exam too...........ahhaha aza aza Fighting!!

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