Friday, November 16, 2007


败了这个宇宙怪物。。可惜没得试用 T.T 因为我的相机送入厂了>_<"。。

The Original Gorillapod is the lightest and most versatile camera tripod available today. Featuring over two dozen flexible leg joints that bend and rotate, the Gorillapod will firmly secure your compact digital camera to virtually any surface — anywhere and everywhere!

The Gorillapod is the ideal camera accessory for photographers on the go. Throw it in your pocket or backpack and you'll be ready for your next adventure! While the Gorillapod serves all the functions of a traditional camera tripod – steadying your camera under low-light conditions, taking timed group shots, etc. – it is the only tripod malleable enough to provide you with the perfect shot while wrapped around a tree branch, hanging from a pole, or perched on a jagged rock. The possibilities are endless!

Flexible joints bend and rotate 360° to form the perfect shape. The Gorillapod uses high-quality, injection-molded plastic for snug joints that stay firm after lots of action.



■ 產品特色、功能

銷售超過 3,000 只、廣受市場好評的休旅攝手系列 -- 勾樂拍 Gorillapod ,商品如其名,有如猩猩般可活動的三隻腳,結實的抓住任何可以攀附的樹枝、門把、椅背、花器,甚至是酒瓶,只要輕鬆的將三隻腳隨意的纏繞,顆粒般的腳架具有止滑的作用,特殊設計的橡膠讓你恣意扭轉也不輕易鬆動!勾樂拍不受地域限制,讓您可以隨心所欲想拍哪裡就拍哪裡!




穩穩將相機與勾樂拍固定好後,就可以進行自拍,自由自在,無拘無束!單手拿相機自拍的窘境不再,更不必犧牲一個人擔任攝影師而發生「每張照片都少一人」的不完美狀況!旅途過程更輕鬆,擺起 pose 更瀟灑!





[Taken from]

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